Already Christian

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The pressure is for purification

For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Hebrews 12:6

  So, you tried everything you could. You tried Jesus and Christianity. You tried every religion that you could possible think of. You don't want to go back because it's too hard. You're tired of rejection and failure. But do you know why you feel that way? It's because of bitterness. A bitter person doesn't walk around saying "Im bitter." Instead that person walks around saying, "I've done it before and I'm not going back."
  The truth is that you're tired of failing. You're tired of falling. You're tired of even trying. Nothing is working for you and you wonder why. You're bitter. But you can't be bitter if you want to progress, you have to go back to Jesus and reach out to Him. You've tried already, but sometimes to improve you have to try again and again. Nobody said that following Jesus would be easy. It's difficult and you will be persecuted.

A lot of want to see God as our healer. We want Him wherever we are to heal us in whatever situation we may face. We demand instant healing and when we don't receive it, we're upset with God. God did not come to heal you when you say heal. He may have sent your sickness to strengthen you. He wants you to crawl out of your sickness bit by bit. It won't be easy but He wants to test your strength. It's pressure. This Christian life has pressure.

You see, you are gold and you're very valuable. But you are also very dirty. Most people wouldn't even pick you up off the ground seeing your uncleanliness. But God looked beyond your faults and saw the beauty within you and He picked you up off the ground. He put you in the fire for two reasons. To test your strength and to increase your strength. And to purify you by burning away all of your dirt and impurities.

  So, right now you're in the fire and it's getting hotter and hotter. I encourage you to hang on. God has never left you or forsaken you; He's in the fire with you. He will never give you a load you cannot carry. So that burden you bear is just enough for you. That thorn in your flesh is there for a reason. It's there to keep you on the path. Sometimes we need a little heartache in our lives, so that we don't forget the God who created us. And so that we don't forget our ultimate goal: Heaven. God is going to try you and test you. You may feel like He's trying to hurt you, but no, He's strengthening you. Just trust Him because He knows just what He's doing.

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