The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and our Saviour, because of faith. Faith is what caused Abraham to journey into an unknown land, after hearing the voice of God. Faith caused Noah, while he was being mocked and laughed at, to build a massive boat, preparing for a flood in an area that doesn't get much rain. Faith is what caused Abel to give a better sacrifice to God than his brother Cain did.
If you read through the Bible, you'll come to realize that the people in the Bible acted completely on faith. They trusted God and believed His promises and God blessed them richly. When Jesus was on earth, he journeyed to a particular place to do miracles. The people there doubted Jesus and His authority. Jesus did no miracles there because of their lack of faith. That tells us that God only works based upon our faith.
If you've been praying to God for something and it hasn't happened, check your faith. Though it may also be other reasons, the lack of faith is what hinders healing, deliverance, and growth in God.
Faith is much more important than most people think it is. If Abraham didn't leave his home and journey to the land of Canaan, by faith, he would not have been called "The father of many nations."
When the Israelites were taking the land of Canaan, spies were sent to view the land and the people they would have to fight to obtain the land. ALL the spies except Joshua and Caleb reported bad news back to Moses. They doubted that they could take the land because of the philistines living there. They forgot that God was the one fighting for them and that He can do all things. They doubted Him. Joshua and Caleb had faith in God and remained optimistic despite the circumstances. Joshua became the successor to Moses and the next leader of the Hebrew people.
We all need to have faith. The Bible says that "By faith through grace we are saved." You need faith to be saved. You also need to act on your faith and follow the commandments of Jesus Christ; be baptized in His name. Everything we do takes faith. You cannot do anything for God without faith, it just won't work! Believe me, I've been there. I finally realized one day that I didn't have faith and I needed it. I didn't know how to have faith. But the Bible says that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing comes by the Word. You need to read the Bible because the Bible is where your faith comes from. Read it, study it, and live it. Be inspired by it. Let the Bible be an important part of your life. Speak aloud the words of the Bible so that they'll get into your mind. The more you read His word, the more you'll believe it and soon you'll see God beginning to work miracles in your life.
You can't expect God to do anything for you when you haven't done anything at all for Him. You don't even talk to Him. If you had a friend, and you didn't talk to him/her then you'd grow far from that person. It's like that with God as well. If you don't spend time with him and you don't talk to Him, you'll grow far from Him. I would be utterly offended if a friend of mine only spoke to me when he/she wanted something from me. That is what many people do to God. God gets angry, he gets sad and happy - he feels just like you and me feel. He's sad when His friends don't speak to Him. Yes, you are His friend, Jesus said in His word that we are His friends. (John 15:15)
God is there for you, He is your defender. But you need to realize that God is not your servant; He is your God. He wants a relationship with you. Have faith in God, believe His word, speak to Him daily and love Him because He loves you and He always will. Nothing can change the love that God has towards you. Nothing. You're not banished from God because you've done something wrong. It saddens Him when you do, but if you ask Him to forgive you He will.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Have faith in God and have faith in His Holy Word.
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