Already Christian

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


People will laugh at you, mock you and make fun of you. They'll make you feel terrible about yourself. They'll tell you that you're ugly or stupid. They'll try their best to make you feel bad about yourself, only to make themselves feel better. They'll do all sorts of things to hurt you. They'll kick you down to the ground and you'll feel like you can't get up. When they do all of those things, there are two things that you have to ask yourself. Will you sit and take it? Or will you rise?
   When others try to put you down, something that you really have to know is who you are and what your worth. God sees you as someone special and beautiful. You are someone worth dying for. That's why Jesus died on the cross. He died so that you could be free; so that you could rise.
   Rise above sadness, pain, fear, and shame. Those people who try so desperately to hurt you, are hurt themselves. They need to feel the love of Jesus. If you know the love of Jesus, show them. They need that love. Don't retaliate negatively, because that will only make things worse. If you ignore their comments and help them when they need it, you're doing a great thing. Sometimes it's hard to ignore that person that hurts your feelings, and on the opposite hand sometimes we feel so fearful that we sit in a corner, doing nothing, hoping that they'll stop and they don't. Always remember that they're only human, and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You've got Jesus on your side. Be strong and put the situation in his hands. Don't retaliate negatively, but don't sit down and feel sorry for yourself either. Put your situation in the hands of Jesus, because He can help you. He knows what you're going through and He's holding out His hand.
   Jesus is always there for you. You are never alone. Even when you're in your darkest situation and you feel that you're all alone, just know that you're not. He's there and He always will be. He promised never to leave you alone. You may not feel Him there sometimes, but He's there. Have faith in Him. Maybe you pray and it feels like He's not listening; if you feel that way, know that He's always listening. He'll come to your rescue in time. Trust Him, God can be trusted. We see so many situations in the Bible of Jesus showing up on time.

   Lazarus was dead for three days. While Lazarus was sick, Jesus was called to heal him but Jesus didn't go. He showed up after the three days was passed and by that time Lazarus' body was beginning to deteriorate. Everyone was wondering why Jesus chose to show up then; nothing else could be done is what they all thought but Jesus proved them wrong. Jesus showed up that day and called Lazarus from the grave. He said "Lazarus, come forth." and Lazarus came forth but he was still wrapped in grave clothes. Jesus loosed him. He raised Lazarus from the dead.

   Your situation might seem terrible but there's nothing too hard for God. He can turn the impossible into something possible. No one can comprehend how great God is. When you pray and you feel that Jesus isn't listening, just remember Lazarus. Jesus will show up in your situation, don't worry. Trust Him and when He says rise, rise.

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