Is Evolution really the truth or are we being deceived? This thing that is used to
explain our existence may be a fraud but you believe it. I’ll tell you why you believe it;
it’s because that’s what you were taught, because it makes sense to you, or because
that’s your only way of denying a deity.
The theory of evolution states that all life started out as a single cell and then later
evolved into what we are today. That means that everything and everyone on Earth was
all contained in one cell. Scientists believe that the cell exploded and created Earth then
things began to evolve and change.
Another group of scientists who believe in creation says that a supreme deity created
this Earth over a time period of seven days. I share the same beliefs of these scientists.
That is only because I marvel at the beauty and complexity of this Earth and every single
creature living on it. I know that we are all beautiful and unique in our own special way.
Don’t you think that saying we evolved is basically calling ourselves an accident? Don’t
you think we were made for a purpose and we’re living for a purpose? I don’t know
about you but I know that there is a reason for my birth.
As I’ve said, I, as well as many other people, believe in creation. That belief starts with
faith in what is said in the Bible. It says that “in the beginning God created . . .” and
simply because it says that I believe it. Creationists believe that God created mankind in
His image to fellowship with Him and to bring Him glory. Many people have said that
you cannot only rely on the Bible for information. Although we know we can rely on the
Bible, we do have evidence to satisfy the unbelief of the minds of evolutionists.
Things that help scientists to understand that the earth was created are things like
Information, Formation of Life, the design of living things, and the existence of the
universe. Just as a newspaper story has ink on the paper, DNA (Ink) is not information,
just as the ink is not information, but it is a representation of the information on the
paper. Modifying the DNA by mutation isn’t going to produce new genetic information to begin evolution. That’s the same way that spilling coffee on the paper won’t change
the actual story. It just changes what it looks like.
Evolutionists say that we evolved overtime, but have they even looked in the mirror?
When you look at human, even a simple insect, you can see that there is a specific
design of each part of the human body. The way that the body heats up to kill a virus or
bacteria is remarkable. Animals have the instinct to flee from a certain area because
they sense that a storm is coming. I’m pretty sure that something like that is no accident
or coincidence.
If you lost your spinal cord would you still be able to live? If something happened to
your brain would you still need your hands or feet? You wouldn’t have anything to send
signals to your hands and feet so they would be practically useless. The complexity of
life shows that nothing can function on its own. Each part of the body needs every single
chemical and body part to function. If we had no creator how could all of this be the
way it is?
When you look at a man-made sculpture you can see that there is a design. If a simple
sculpture cannot come out of nowhere and must have a creator, what can make you
think that we’re so great that we don’t need a creator? We all know, and can prove that
everything on earth had a creator. There are people that invent certain products for our
use. It would be most logical for us to have an inventor too. We all have parents who
brought us into this world; no one can say that they don’t have parents. Even if you
haven’t met your parents you still know you have one. Just because you haven’t met
your creator doesn’t mean you don’t have one.
Another thing that tells me that I was created is the very existence of the universe. A
scientific law of nature shows us that something MUST be eternal, which means either
the universe or a creator of the universe is eternal. You know the universe isn’t eternal
because you believe in the Big Bang theory and Evolution. You say that at a certain time
the universe came into existence. Eternal means everlasting; has no beginning and no
end. If the universe came into existence at a certain time, then that means that it is not
eternal. Our only other option is a deity, and maybe this deity created the universe.
Albert Einstein showed us the relationship between time and space; if there is no
space then there is no time. Before the creation of the universe there was no space and
no concept of time. Many people ask ‘If there is a God, who created Him?’ That question is invalid because it is a time-based question. What you’re really asking is ‘At what time
did God come into existence?’ God exists out of time because He is the uncaused first
Earth is perfectly positioned and set up in a certain order or place for a reason. I know
that I can walk out of my house without having to wear some type of protective
clothing; I can go to the river and get water. I can’t get that on mars; I can’t live on mars
because I would burn up. Please tell me, Why is the earth a perfect distance away from
the sun? Why is it that we have water? I know Earth is special but I don’t think its any
coincidence that we have water and no other planets do.
People say that “we’ve adapted to the conditions of Earth . . .” It’s funny because I
know that we cannot, under any circumstance, adapt to the conditions of Jupiter. Earth
has been specially designed for life. I’ll tell you why – The Earth’s tilt on its axis gives us
seasons, the moon’s gravitational pull gives us tides to cleanse the oceans, the Earth
rotates slowly enough that we don’t fall of the face of the Earth and die. If you look at
the rotation speed of other planets you will see that they’re not as fortunate as Earth. I
could go on and on about how blessed this Earth is.
Another thing that allows me to say that this Earth didn’t just appear is me. I look at
myself and other people around me and I can’t leak into their minds no matter how
hard I stare, I can’t know what someone else is thinking unless they tell me. A person is
much more than just a physical body. We all have a spirit and mind/soul; we all have
feelings of anger, hate, happiness, joy, fear, envy, and sadness. We all can feel
sensations of pleasure and pain, we remember experiences from the past and we have
free will. That is the beauty of the mind – I don’t believe that a mind so powerful wasn’t
Are you convinced now? No? Well I have once last thing to say regarding creation. The
Bible gives us information from in the past. It gives us dates and time periods. I believe
that if you would actually consider the Bible as some evidence you’d get much further.
Creation has a lot of evidence supporting it, so the next time you hear someone argue
that creation has no scientific evidence, think again. Just as there is evidence for
evolution there is also evidence for creation.
The theory of Evolution says that we all came from one single cell and then developed
into different species over time. Many scientists all over the world believe in this theory.
They don’t believe necessarily because its true but they simply believe because of these
reasons. Many people have been taught Evolution is school since they were children so
they don’t bother to question it or think of another possibility. Evolution is taught as a
fact in school so the students have no ability to understand that the concept is just a
Intellectual pride is another main reason why people believe in evolution. It is said
that ‘Intelligent and logical people believe in Evolution.” Because of that people feel as
though they’ll be outcasts or known as un-intellectual so they just accept Evolution.
Evolution has been ‘approved’ by many politicians and because of their strong
influences people are led to believe.
Another major reason why people accept the theory of Evolution is because they
deny the existence of a God. They can’t say that God created Earth because they don’t
believe in Him so evolution is their only escape. Evil, crime, pain, suffering and
wickedness in the world lead people to believe that a ‘Good God’ wouldn’t allow that to
happen so they quickly deny Him and turn to Evolution.
Some ‘evidence’ that supports the theory of Evolution is Fossil record of change in
earlier species, Chemical and anatomical similarities of related life forms, and
geographic distribution of related species.
Remains of fossils from animals and plants give record of past changes throughout
history. The evidence suggests that there has been a wide variety of living things. A wide
variety of living things is no reason to deny a creator. Since we are all different in our
personalities and appearances we are apparently a variety.
Scientists say that living things are chemically and anatomically similar. All plants and
animals are similar in the way their basic anatomical structure develop and chemical
compositions. Scientists say that it doesn’t matter whether the living thing is single
celled or if it has many cells; the structure is still similar. I don’t believe that mere
similarities can prove that we evolved. Maybe our creator meant for us to have
similarities, we’ll never know.
Scientists believe that because of the geographical location of animals and plants we
evolved. They say that 60,000 to 40,000 years ago before humans arrived, there were mainly only marsupials in Australia. You couldn’t find any terrestrial placental mammals
such as dogs, cats, bears and horses in Australia. Scientists believe that land mammals
were not in Islands such as Hawaii and New Zealand. They say that you would mainly
find birds, insects and plants there. Scientists believe that the only reason why Hawaii
and New Zealand is like that is because they evolved over millions of years.
I can’t possibly say that we could have evolved over millions of years. It makes more
sense to me that the Earth is less than 10,000 - 6000 years old. The reason I believe this
is because of some evidence. Comets disintegrate too quickly, according to evolutionists
comets are about the same age as the solar system but yet each time it comes close to
the sun it loses much of its material proving that it couldn’t have survived for any more
than 10,000 years.
Another reason is that there isn’t enough mud on the sea floor. There is a process that
removes mud from the sea floor which is by tectonic plate subduction. Secular
Evolutionists say that the process only removes one billion ton per year. The rest of the
Billions of tons of mud per year accumulate. Erosion would deposit that amount of
sediment in less than 12 million years. According to Evolution science, erosion and plate
subduction have been going on for as long as oceans existed, supposedly 15 billion years
old. That would mean that the oceans should have much more mud than it actually
The last reason for my belief that Earth is less than 10,000 years old is that history is
too short. Evolution scientists say that stone aged men were around for 100,000 years
before starting to record things 4,000 – 5,000 years later. If prehistoric men could make
beautiful carvings, build monuments, and made great cave paintings why would they
wait so long to use those skills to record their history? I would think that if I’m able to
write I would write.
Evolutionists base their theory on logics and science. You base your theories on what
makes sense. Does it make sense that physical laws are an accident? That life came from
dead chemicals? That information came from randomness? Can something come from
absolutely nothing? I’ve tried doing that and it never worked. It makes most sense that
complex things only come from intelligent designers!
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