For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23
We were all born with a giant hole in our hearts. That is the place reserved for Jesus Christ to occupy. Because of the hole in our hearts we seek something or someone to fill it. It's torture not have a whole heart. Some people try to fill it with money, others with people. Some try to fill it with 'love' (lust) and many others try to fill it with vanity. The fact of the matter is that we ALL try to fill our hole with something.
What we don't know is that that hole is strictly reserved for God and God alone. You can pile up your poor heart with vanity but your whole will never be filled unless God comes in. What happens in your heart now is that it gets cluttered with things that you really don't need but that gigantic hole is still present in your life.
Now, We all know that God does not enter into unclean vessels. In your quest to fill your hole you've created an unclean heart that is clustered with hate, envy, backbiting, lust, sloth and pain. God does not enter into hearts like that. However, He still loves you very much and He wants to come into your heart. What God does is send messengers to get you to understand that there is clutter in your heart that needs to be removed. Through His Holy Word you can learn about what you need to do to clean your heart.
Once your heart is cluster free, I can guarantee you that if you seek God with your whole heart He will hear you. He will come into your heart and He will save you. There will no longer be a missing part of your heart; you will be complete. Nothing that anyone can offer you will even cross your mind because you are complete with Jesus. The drugs, the money, or the lust won't appeal to you anymore. Once you have been completed don't ever settle for anything less than you deserve. You don't need sin. The Newsboys says 'Sorry, I don't accept.' That should be your motto if Jesus is in your heart.
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