No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24
You can't be a part of the family of God and a part of the world. Once you make a commitment to God you need to give all to Him. God wants your best, and your best is all of you. You need to be completely devoted and turned over to God. If you don't plan on giving your all to Him don't give anything at all. You see, Jesus sacrificed His life on mount Calvary for our sins. The least we can do is honour Him and praise Him for Calvary. Honour Him for the sacrifice He made for us. We never deserved His sacrifice. We never deserved His love. But He gave it anyway.
He doesn't expect from us, what we don't have. He just wants you to give Him your all. He sacrificed all for you by death. And through His death, you need to sacrifice your life for Him. In the olden days, the children of Israel brought an animal as a sacrifice for their sin. To cover their sin blood had to be shed, so the animal would have to died. But because of the precious blood of Jesus that was shed once and for all for us, we no longer have to sacrifice a lamb each time we sin. We can now offer our selves to God as a living sacrifice! Because of the risen Lamb.
And when I think about the sacrifice and the atonement we've received by grace, I must give God the glory. I must give Him all of me for His glory. I must serve Him with my whole heart and soul. I must give all to Him. We need a personal relationship with God. It must pass going to church for the sake of going. It must pass all religious rituals and ordeals. It must pass all of that. We need to seek God so that we can enter into the Holy of holies and see His face. So that we can know Him, not just know about Him but so that we can know Him.
Don't you want to see His face? Enter into His presence? Don't you want to know God for yourself? Then you must give ALL to Him. You must give yourself as a living sacrifice. Holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. It's the least you can do, so do it. He wants ALL of you!
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