Already Christian

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I see and hear too many people disdaining the name of Jesus because they don't agree with Him and His plan.

When something bad happens to us or a loved one; one of the first things that we almost always do is turn around and blame it on God. We say that He doesn't really care because if He did He wouldn't have let it happen.

That isn't true. Just because something bad happens does not mean God isn't still there and it definitely doesn't mean he doesn't care.

We aren't God- we cannot know what He has planned for us. He is Almighty, He has been around forever. He is much smarter than you and He knows what is best for everyone.

We can't always know what He has planned and sometimes it may just seem as if He hates us because of things that are happening to us. But the truth is we just need to trust Him and have faith that everything will turn out all right in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. This is what I've been trying to get across to someone I know for a while.


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