Already Christian

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Am I beautiful?

 "I'm looking through the eyes of He who made me, through Him I have beauty beyond compare." - Barlow Girl

Take a good look at yourself. No, not through the eyes of the people around you. Not through culture and tradition. Not through popular beliefs and ways of life. Take a good look at yourself through God's eyes. You are who God sees you to be. What happens with a lot of people is that they look at themselves through the way society says they should be. They measure themselves up to society's standards. Then they realize that they'll never measure up. Society considers beauty to be appearance - the ones with the most money, cars, and clothes are the most beautiful. The ones with the "perfect" faces are beautiful; the ones who "measure up"to their standards. I implore you to be yourself. Do live by God's standards. He's the one who made you. You can do all things through Him; He gives you strength to go on. He made you beautiful the way you are. You don't need to listen to society and their standards. So take a good look at yourself but with your physical eyes closed and your spiritual eyes open. Block out society; block out vanity. Are you beautiful?

  For everyone, the answer to that question should be "Yes, I am beautiful." You may not  be perfect but you are beautiful. Don't be defined by this secular world. They haven't got the slightest clue of what it means to be beautiful. Beauty comes from within and it is a gift of God.

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