Already Christian

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do all speak with tongues?

  Many people claim that tongues are not necessary for salvation and they use 1 Corinthians 12:30 to support that statement. Paul asked the question "Do all speak with tongues?" To answer that we need to find the origin of Paul's question, which can be found in the beginning of chapter 12.

  Tongues are the God-given ability to speak with a new language, which may be understandable or not understandable. Tongues were first spoken when the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day Of Pentecost, 50 days after Jesus was crucified. Tongues play an important part in the life of a believer because it edifies. When Paul spoke concerning tongues, he spoke concerning speaking and interpretation of tongues which means the understandable tongues. To each believer, having received the gift of the Holy Ghost, God has poured out various gifts. Some of these gifts include healing, miracles, knowledge, speaking, and interpretation of tongues. However, many people confuse speaking in tongues with praying in tongues. There is a distinct difference: Praying in tongues edifies the believer and speaking in tongues (with interpretation edifies the church).
  Speaking in tongues is a gift that a believer receives after receiving the Holy Ghost. Not all believers receive the gift to speak in tongues. Paul says that we are all members of one body. Each member has a different function, but each member works together for the good of the body. We are all members of the body of Christ, and we edify each other. Speaking in tongues is a gift that edifies. Praying in tongues is private, it's the way our spirit cries out to God's Spirit.
  It is very important to pray in tongues. Though we can pray in our native languages, we can lie. We can also hold back the way we feel. When we pray in tongues we cannot lie. Praying in tongues is a way to pour out all to God, truthfully. The Bible says that they that worship 'must worship in spirit and truth.' Praying in tongues is the way your heart pours out your innermost feelings to God.
   Speaking in tongues is also important, but not for every believer. It's important for the edification of the church. Not all receive the gift to speak in tongues, but all after being filled with the Spirit have the ability to pray in tongues. So, Do all speak in tongues? No. But, do all (who have the Spirit of God) pray in tongues? Yes.

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