Already Christian

Friday, February 4, 2011

God's love for us

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

   I'm sure all of us have been sinners once, otherwise there would be no purpose for salvation. Some of us are still sinners, others are not. Regardless of who you are, sinner or saved, God looked beyond your faults and saw your needs. I can relate this to two people meeting each other. When one individual first sees the other, he or she formulates their own judgments about the person. They judge character, etiquette, presentation, ethics, morals and attitude. When a person sees bad characteristics in another they usually are turned off, and go their separate way.

   With God, it's different. God doesn't only see the bad about you from the outside, but He sees all of your impurities - inside and out. He knows your wicked heart. He sees all your faults. However, instead of acknowledging your faults, God sees you as what He is going to make you. In other words, your faults are there and He knows they are there. He doesn't look at them, but rather He looks at the end product. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that, God know the plans He has for us, and the scripture goes on to say that He has plans of peace and not evil to bring us an expected end. God sees you as the treasure you are, and He will bring out that treasure in you in due time.

  A very famous scripture, (John 3:16), says that God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. So, God, after seeing our evil hearts and our sin, He decided to send His only begotten Son to die for us, (the sinful people). Many of us ask the question, "Why would God come down and die (as Jesus) for sinful people such as us, who would reject Him anyway?" 

   God loves us with an unconditional love. That love compasses any other love. No one else can love you the way or even close to the way God loves you. In the book of John, we learn that God is love. That means that the very epitome of love is God. When you search the scriptures, and you read about the life of Jesus it gives you insight on the way you should live. There is no other example of love but the example of Jesus Christ. He was God in the flesh, who had all power yet He lived a humble life on earth. He healed the sick, raised the dead, encouraged others, fed others, and performed much more miracles. When He finally died on the cross, He said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do," concerning the wicked people who crucified Him.

   God's love for us is perfect. Regardless of what you do or have done, He will never love you any less or any more. He will always love you just the same. Though He called us so many times, so many of us rejected Him over and over again - I'm  a witness to that. He continually calls us until the day we accept Him. God is after our hearts. He wants all of you, and He seeks for you earnestly. God will never give up on you, there is nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He loves you everyday, just the same. All He asks from you is to love Him with the love that He gives you.

   King David is an excellent example of a man after God's heart. David danced before God, he prayed to God, and he loved God. David was a vile sinner. He murdered one man, and took his wife. God loved David and showed him favour. David sinned so much but he had a repentant heart. That is what God wants from us - a repentant heart. He wants to see us come to Him when we sin and cry out to Him. God knows that we are human and we will sin but He wants us to repent. This is why God sent His Son to die for us: He knows that we are wicked by nature, and we have dirty hearts but He wants a relationship with us. He wants us to love Him.

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